HomeAid Georgia Projects

HomeAid Georgia builds and renovates housing facilities for organizations serving people experiencing homelessness throughout Georgia.

Our projects benefit organizations that serve victims of domestic violence, teen mothers, abused and abandoned children, and veterans. Historically, HomeAid provides 50%-85% of the total cost of the construction project through in-kind donations of services and materials.

Over HomeAid’s 20 plus year history, projects average a fifty-percent in-kind donation rate, a substantial cost savings that is reinvested into life-changing programs that move families to self-sufficiency.

Are you a service provider nonprofit interested in partnering with HomeAid Georgia for a new construction, renovation project, or a Care Day?

Fill out the  Build Project Application.


Fill out the Care Day application to be considered as a site for a workday with our volunteers.

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In Progress

To contribute materials or labor to a HomeAid Georgia Project, please contact us!

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