About HomeAid Georgia
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HomeAid Georgia is a local affiliate of HomeAid. We attack the reality of homelessness with a unique and collaborative approach. Through housing development and community engagement, our mission is to help those experiencing homelessness to build new lives.
Vision Statement
HomeAid’s vision is to be a vital force in creating safe and dignified housing and programmatic facilities for those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Mission Statement
HomeAid’s mission is to help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education.
Core Values
Inclusiveness: Valuing that every individual has worth and human dignity through a willingness to help our neighbors in times of need and to understand the unique stories behind each individual we serve.
Collaboration: Embracing working together as a community to achieve what is not possible alone.
Integrity: Ensuring that everything we do is accomplished with a sense of responsibility, honesty, respect, confidence, and a commitment to stay consistently aligned with our mission.
“Thank you so much for the investment you’ve made in us. Over the years, hundreds of lives will be changed while staying in this house you made a home."
— Susan Worsley, Executive Director, North Georgia Angel House
The Power of a Triangle
The Triangle is one of the most simple shapes yet is exudes strength, stability and can bear the weight cast upon it from a variety of angles. The Triangle is often found in various elements of construction including building support and trusses. Equally as strong, are the three sides of HomeAid’s Triangle, as they are each critical components to fulfilling our mission and clearly demonstrate how HomeAid exists to serve those who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
Building quality & dignified housing is essential to our mission.
Community Engagement
It takes a community to build and rebuild a community.
Let’s help empower one another through education.

HomeAid Georgia History
HomeAid Georgia builds and renovates housing facilities for organizations serving people experiencing or at risk of homelessness throughout Georgia.
Established in 2001 as HomeAid Atlanta in affiliation with the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, we became HomeAid Georgia in October of 2024.
HomeAid Georgia is the designated charity of the Greater Atlanta Home Builders Association, and is a local affiliate of HomeAid America, a leading national provider of housing for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.
HomeAid Georgia's mission to help people experiencing or at risk of homelessness build new lives through construction, community engagement, and education. This is accomplished through generous donations of construction services and building materials from members of the home building industry. HomeAid serves as the housing developer and liaison between homeless service/project providers, builders, trade partners and community volunteers.
HomeAid Georgia strives to improve the conditions of Georgia families and individuals experiencing homelessness by focusing on increasing capacities at local emergency and transitional projects, providing more families and individuals with an opportunity to transform their lives. These facilities provide Georgia's homeless population with safe, dignified living environments that blend into neighborhoods.
Although our mission gives us broad latitude to engage in building projects across the entire Continuum of Care, from emergency projects to transitional housing to permanent supportive housing, every HomeAid project supports an agency that provides services that help residents move toward self-sufficiency, such as education and job skills training, and physical and emotional support.

HomeAid Georgia is one of 19 local Affiliates across 13 states.
HomeAid is a leading nonprofit developer of housing and programmatic facilities for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.